Cranked top intermediate concrete post 3675x125x100 - to suit 8ft chainlink

Cranked top intermediate concrete post 3675x125x100 - to suit 8ft chainlink

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{{ product.price | times:1.XX | money }} Exc VAT: £90.00
Inc VAT: £108.00

Vendor : Alter Supplies

Product Type :


Cranked top secuirty concrete fence post to suit 2.44m (8 ft) weldmesh or chainlink


LINE WIRES: 4 No. at 787 mm, 786 mm and 787 mm centres. Intermediate posts 9 mm holes, straining holes 15 mm. BARBED WIRE: 3 No. at 200 mm centres (140 mm vertical extensions). Intermediate posts 9 mm holes,

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